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Fun - Learn- Race
Welcome to the RS Tera Southern region
The South - the hotbed of RS Tera sailing in recent times!
There are plenty of opportunities for sailing Teras at all levels; from beginner to keen racer, we have it covered. There are plenty of clubs to choose from, with an active Tera following and regular coaching and training laid on.
There are active Tera fleets all along the South Coast, notably at:
HISC - The spiritual home of RS sailing, with regular coaching and racing laid on, in an exciting sailing location
Frensham Pond - every Saturday at least 20 orange and white sails bless the tranquil setting of the pond.
Two Harbours (Emsworth) - Tera Squad aims to help children from Chichester and Langstone Harbours progress from club run RYA training to become confident racers.
Gurnard on the Isle of Wight (with coaching from Olympian Shirley Robertson!)
and Lymington to name but a few.
Throughout the season ( May- Sept) there are regional open meetings held, which are one or two-day regattas at clubs within the Southern area. Some favourites are: HISC, Frensham Pond, Lymington; Mudeford; Felpham.
For each open meeting there are winners and the results are added for all events for the overall series Champions. These open meetings are a great way to gain your confidence in sailing at different clubs in different conditions and in bigger fleets.
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